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Arugula, Spinach and Beet Salad

1 part Fresh Arugula
2 parts Fresh Spinach
4 Beets (greens and beet)
¼ cup Hemp hearts
handful chopped chives

3 Tbsp Olive oil
1 ½ Tbsp Tarragon or Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp Honey
Herbamare sea salt

Boil and peel beets, then chop.  Also thoroughly wash beet greens and chop very finely.  In large pot, wilt the finely chopped beet greens in a ½ cm of water until soft enough to chew.  Drain & let cool before adding to other ingredients.

**my mom always makes her own tarragon vinegar by throwing cleaned tarragon from her garden in a mason jar, filling it with white vinegar and storing it in a dark room for a couple weeks.  Remove the plant and enjoy**

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