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"Do no harm, cooperate with nature, find the root cause, treat the individual and educate"

- Naturopathic Oath

The Nitty-gritty

I began post-secondary studies in the field of Health Sciences at the University of Western Ontario.Lia Sonnenburg Five years later I graduated with a Degree in Health Sciences and Biology but my academic appetite was not yet satisfied. I knew exactly that I wanted to work with people in the realm of health care – to make their goals obtainable. I soon began my studies at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and graduated in 2010. During this time I was heavily involved both within and outside of the school community.

I have been working in the Collingwood area, seeing patients since January of 2010. I began with an externship at StoneTree Naturopathic Clinic and continued caring for patients after I graduated and passed those grueling board exams which welcome you into the regulated profession. I am a fully licensed and registered Naturopathic Doctor in the regulated provinces. To learn more about my bullet point accomplishments and experiences visit my visual resume.

I am now running and practicing at my own clinic Be Well Collingwood. To book an appointment with me visit our online booking portal here.

Why Naturopathic Medicine was a fit for me…

A large portion of my undergraduate studies involved health policy courses and as I learned about the way the health care system works in Canada, I became less enchanted by the profession I first sought out to be a part of. I wanted to practice medicine from an individualized and grassroots approach – recognizing that every one of us is different and unique.

I tagged on a couple extra semesters to complete a secondary focus in biology and a year of studies abroad at the University of Otago in New Zealand.
I grew up in european family where home-remedies ruled over visits to the doctor. My mother was a large advocate of the ‘you are what you eat’ principle and every meal that she served (although frustratingly labour intensive) was made from garden fresh ingredients, as free of chemicals as possible. It was a philosophy that simply ‘was’ and as a result I think my health has been fairly ‘unremarkable’ (that being medical terminology for great).

I found Naturopathic medicine through the stories of immediate family and it resonated with the way I wanted to practice medicine: do no harm, cooperate with nature, find the root cause, treat the individual and educate.

Lets Get Personal

  • I am a great lover of the outdoors and tend to feel like a caged animal when I spend too much time indoors
  • I am a big-time geek deep down inside. And I love a good puzzle.
  • I love to empower people and am horribly passionate about injustice. But I have learned to tone it down (a quality that a great homeopath immediately understand my constitution)
  • I believe strongly in work/life balance – although I myself am still learning to juggle those two. – I am stubborn… but that is all part of being German isn’t it?
  • I was blessed by the birth of our first child in late 2011 and took parental leave to watch the miracle of new life blossom.

In summer of 2012 I will head back to the ‘work’ force although I consider what I do a passion interest rather than a work commitment. I am so fortunate to have found a profession that excites and engages me. I love going to work and helping people realize their optimal health and wellness goals

What you can expect of me…

I am on your team and I will advocate for your best interest
I will not make health decisions for you
I will educate you, lay it all out and then work with you to get from point A to B
I will listen

My Interests

I maintain a fairly general practice but have an obvious interest in continuing my work with oncology patients.

Since having my children, I have a profound interest in pediatrics, pre/post natal care and women’s health.