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Each and every patient has a unique protocol dependant on their unique health care needs. Although we are all human, we are all quite individual in the way we react and/or experience disruption. The beauty of having many tools in our tool belt is that a naturopath can really be artistic and resourceful about the way your chief concerns are addressed. To learn more about the Naturopathic services Dr. Lia offers at her clinic visit Be Well Collingwood’s services page.

Lab Testing

Using conventional and proactive alternative diagnostic testing to find out exactly what the physiology of your body looks like. Sometimes conventional labs fall short of giving a complete picture of what is going on and a little more digging is indicated. Specialized testing can help give reason to the biology of your concerns such as food allergy testing, digestive composition, nutrient status, adrenal patterns, salivary hormones, chemical toxicity, and more.

Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine

Taking a grassroots approach, the seed of a plant will only be as fruitful as the earth in which its sown. Likewise nutrition is a major cornerstone on everyone’s journey to health and wellness. Discover what it means to have a healthy diet. Orthomolecular medicine allows us to supplement with large doses of nutrients where indicated to reach a certain goal, overcome a genetic difference and achieve a specific therapeutic result by using the body’s innate physiology.


Restore balance and vitality with traditional chinese medicine and acupuncture. Taking into account all organ systems, both their individual function and influence on neighbouring systems. This ancient therapy has been shown to have an effect on the way our nervous system communicates feelings of wellness.

Botanical Medicine

Many of our pharmaceuticals are derived from the chemicals found within botanicals โ€“ especially those that have been used for ages. Plants however often are full of a variety of effective constituents that when administered, require a smaller dosage and cause less severe toxicity. Research is validating many of the historical uses of these phytopharmaceuticals.


This system of medicine is based on restoring the body’s innate ability to self-heal by prescribing minute doses of natural substance โ€“ meant to cause an energetic shift. Useful inmost every issue regardless of physical, mental or emotional origin this safe therapy can address both acute and chronic conditions. Safe in infants, children and pregnant women.

Intravenous Therapy

When large doses of vitamins and nutrients are needed โ€“ IV therapy allows us to bypass the stomach and directly restore blood concentrations. There are several indications for IV therapy as our foods become less nutritious, our exposures increase and our gene expression changes. IV nutrients support immune function, detoxification, elimination and a variety of other processes.

Physical Medicine

The way we move and experience our environment is vital to our overall health and wellbeing. Allow us to make note of your movement patterns, deficiencies and excesses to help bring the body in alignment for optimal living.

Health Education / Public Speaking

Bring health and well living back into your workplace through programing, seminars and lectures. Decrease absenteeism, increase productivity and overall employee morale through informative and empowering public speaking.