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When to come in?
We treat most everything your Medical Doctor would – so think of us next time you have a cold/flu, stomach bug, migraine, etc.  We are generally really good at helping you feel a whole lot better quickly!  Every day Lia is in the office she has time allocated for those last-minute bookings when you’ve ‘come down with something’.  So please call, we want you to feel better right away!

How do I find a licensed ND?
In order to find a licensed naturopathic physician in North America go to the following websites and access the ‘Find an ND’.  All Naturopathic Physicians in these databases have a current license which indicates that they have graduated from an accredited school.  They have passed all required licensing examinations in their respective jurisdictions and have remained current with continuing education requirements.
Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians

What should I expect in terms of Investment?
Every patient is different and may require more or less time in the office in varying frequencies.
Generally there is a long first visit which includes a comprehensive history taking and if time allows – a basic physical exam.  Any required laboratory work is then requested (either from your doctor of from the lab in-time for your second visit – when a proper plan of action is put into place.  Here is a list of time and financial investments.

Initial Visit:
Adult (75min): $180
Children (<14 years of age) (55min): $125
Extended Intake – oncology, polypharmacy, etc. (2 hours): $216

Second Visit or Standard Follow-up (45min):
Adult: $105
Children (<14 years of age): $90

Shorter Follow-up Visit (30min):
Adult: $80
Children (<14 years of age): $65

Acute Visit (15min):
Adult: $55
Child: $48

* All services are HST exempt.
* Prices do not include prescriptions, IV treatments, and laboratory tests if required.  All of these will be discussed prior to commitment.

Is there coverage?
As of yet, OHIP does not cover Naturopathic Physicians in the province of Ontario.
Most extended health benefit insurance offer some coverage for naturopathic medicine.  Please inquire directly with them to see what coverage you are eligible for.
All payments will be received upfront and a receipt will be given so that you can submit independently to receive your eligible reimbursement.
Please book a complimentary 15 min visit to talk to us if you are in financial need.